Brad has a neighbor, Dirk, who finds auctions and estate sales irresistable, and the man had acquired him

But what's missing from this picture? Right, a DRUMMER. Which leads to my second piece of news: we MAY have lined up a drummer. My coworker Chris White is a drummer, and was on board for our next album for about 10 golden minutes after I told him about the band, until I stupidly told him about NaNoWriMo (, which got me my start in music (see my very first blog entry). At that, Chris decided he wanted to write a novel in one month in November, not record an album. Consequently, I am considering recording our second album in October instead, so Chris can participate. However, I got a lukew
arm reception to this plan from keyboardist Mic, who thought there might still be good weather in October, and he might want to go out and enjoy it rather than spending hours in the gloomy, 70s-style, fake-wood-paneled KEIT studio, i.e. my basement. I'm pondering this.

Meanwhile, there's more. I have written lyrics to a new song, and I even kind of know how I want it to sound. It is a depressing song about a break-up. It is not autobiographical, because for me to write an autobiographical song about a break-up, I would first need to get someone to go out with me.
I am also working on a tribute number for Kevin Bacon's 50th birthday, which I hope to debut at the party I will throw for Kevin in July. It is called "Kevin, Shake That Bacon."
And finally, KEIT got some great publicity when loyal groupie and talented photographer Kristian Whipple featured a photo of me in his series, "Half-Truths." My half-truth? "I am a rock star," of course! All the photos in the series were displayed at Artomatic ( That made me giddy.