Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Kevin, Shake That Bacon!

Know Eye Inn Teem rocked our very first performance before a live audience on Saturday, debuting our original tribute to Kevin Bacon, "Kevin, Shake That Bacon." The occasion was Kevin's 50th birthday party, which I hosted.

The song was not only the highlight of the party, but in fact one of my favorite moments of all of 2008. The audience ate it up. They even sang along to the chorus. Kevin said we put the Bacon Brothers to shame.

This was the also the debut of our brand-new drummer, Chris White. Chris was fantastic. The song with his drumming sounded innumerably many orders of magnitude better than without the drumming. It was like he took the song that Cerin and I wrote, and made it MUSIC. Unbelievably, he had not even heard the song until he showed up that night, but he dove right in and blew everyone away. Chris has signed on for our next album this November, and I am wildly excited about it. Expect big things from KEIT in November!