Here is your preview of the album cover!

You will see that we settled on the title, "Slightly Off Beak."
Cerin originally made the suggestion of "Slightly Off," which we all liked quite a bit, given the aptness of the description to KEIT's music.
Apparently this was not random enough for Mic, who volunteered "Slightly Beak." "Slightly Beak," what does that mean? I didn't and still don't have a clue. The conversation took place during lunch and quickly turned to our favorite holiday foods, and the next thing you know, someone suggested that our album title feature the word "parsnips." Parsnips, for those who don't regularly dine in the British Isles, are a superior version of carrots.
I wish I could have worked in "parsnips," but the beauty of "Slightly Off Beak" is twofold: just like our band name, it is something of a play on words, making us think of "slightly off beat," which we often are; also, I like the randomness of "beak," straight out of the bizarre depths of Mic's brain.
There were other suggestions, too, that were soundly rejected. Brad offered "Geneva 3-1-C," referring to the portion of the Geneva Conventions that bans "Outrages upon personal dignity; in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment." Apparently convinced that the only way to improve on an album name referencing the Geneva Conventions is a DIFFERENT album name referencing the Geneva Conventions, he also offered "Geneva 3-1-A," referring to the provision banning torture.
This is what happens when you ask Washington policy types to try to think like rock stars. The results aren't pretty.
I still have high hopes of getting the album out the door this weekend. Remember when I feared that RCN was going to cut off my cable ( Well I did a little research, and decided it was all a scare tactic. And then the bastards cut off my cable. They're sending me a box to fix it, but it won't arrive till next week. Without my "House" reruns to distract me, I should be able to finish "Slightly Off Beak" in no time.
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